It feels like summer is on it’s way out already, so I think I got these finished just in time!
My lovely sponsors at Sew Creative Supplies provided the fabric and thread for this project. The fabric is Michael Miller Vintage Fire Trucks. Roman picked it out and I was a little surprised when it arrived as the fire engines are a lot bigger than I was expecting! My own fault for not looking at the picture properly.
Can I just point out my freakin’ awesome pattern matching on the shirt front?! One of the things I love about making clothes is being able to take the time to do something like that. It really makes the pajamas look that much better.
This was my first time working with Rasant thread and I was really impressed. The thread seems less fluffy and finer than Gutermann, which I usually work with. I’ve been having a lot of fluff problems with Gutermann lately. I never used to notice it, so I wonder if they’ve changed manufacturers?
The pattern is from the book, The Perfect Pyjama (affiliate link). You can tell from the pictures in the book that the patterns are generously sized. For this reason, I made these up in size 2-3, but with the 4-5 length. Even still, they have plenty of growing room and I think that even though Roman is 3 1/2 now, he should still get another summer out of them.
The book has lots of variations on a few basic patterns and some of the women’s patterns look lovely. I found the instructions in the book pretty light on, so if you were new to sewing, I think you’d struggle to put these together. If you’ve done a bit of garment sewing, you’d be fine.
I added snaps instead of buttons, 1 because they’re quicker to attach (yay for no buttonholes) and 2 because Roman can dress himself, which we are both pretty happy about. They look so cute on him, but I don’t think I’m sold on making real pyjamas. I found them so much slower to make than knit ones. I think it’s all the extra work for the collar. Do you prefer traditional pjs or knit tshirt style ones on your kids?
These action shots are pretty terrible, but no means of bribe would get him to sit still for long enough so excuse the props and bed hair.
The post Boys Summer Pyjamas appeared first on Things for Boys.